Mixing and Mastering for Morons/ PSP Mixpack?


New member
Does PSP Mixpack add life to a fairly dry mixdown? I am not knowledgeable about mixing and mastering mainly because I do not have time to. I need a quicky solution that will add life to a mixdown with very little done to it except for normalizing and just a touch of compression and reverb. Does anyone have experience with this plug-in?
thehorseshoe said:
I am not knowledgeable about mixing and mastering mainly because I do not have time to. I need a quicky solution that will add life to a mixdown with very little done to it...
Just press the "Perfect Mix/Perfect Engineer" button....... the s/w captures perfectly all the talent and skill an engineer of 30-40 years experience would have at their disposal....

:D :D

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I'm glad you put those Smilies under your post. I was afraid you'd shoot him right away...:)

It is only a matter of time... I'm sure in about 5 years time the gulf may not be so great.... such is the rate at which technology improves. Real experts will always be better though.
I am going to ask again. Does PSP MixPack add some life to a relatively dry mixdown? I need an answer here. I understand and have respect for all you mixing geniuses out there. I know that software cannot take the place of a person with experience, but I think that goes without saying. So what do you say we back off the sarcasm unless you can answer the question straight. I am a straightforward kind of person, I will always be straight when dealing with you. I just want to know- Does PSP Mixpack add some color to a mixdown? Thanks.

I know nothing about the Mixpack, serious guy... but let's pretend the answer is NO -- what then? Will you then start learning something about the skill and art of mixing?

And if the answer is yes -- what then? You think a button is going to rescue a turd? There's a reason it takes skill and ears to mix -- there isn't a button in the world that is going to replace that or "add life to a mix."

If you need to rescue something - best thing you can do is take it to a pro if you're not willing to learn the craft yourself........

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Hey ....I'm not much of a mechanic, but can anybody tell me real quick how to rebuild the transmission on an 86 Vette? I was thinking about buying the new "rebuild-a-transmission" wrench & socket set, but I'm not sure how well it's going to work.

:D :D

Sorry, horseshoe, I just couldn't help it :)

I have heard good things about PSP effects, but don't personally own any. You might want to do a search in this forum, I know I've seen a post or 2.

you stupid fuck..you think you can get the job done with that.....

you wont get anywhere without "Re-Building Trannies For Dummies".....:D
I have both the MixPack and StereoPack plugins. They're pretty interesting plugins, and they can provide some useful sounds and effects. Used subtly, they can be subtle. Used in-your-face, they can sound like dogmeat: but so can any *other* plugin, or external hardware for that matter.

They aren't a panacea for "mastering", but they can sound pretty interesting- and the price is not too shabby compared to the Waves bundle, or whatever other chunk of code you might name.

Get 'em, listen to them, try them out. The freebie download is great for that, even though it knocks holes in the audio every so often. If you like them, buy them and use them. Otherwise, they're just another toy that you probably don't really *need* to make your music. "Life" in a finished track doesn't come from the plugins, to my way of thinking. It comes from the mic and room and player and karma- and, regrettably, the recordist's experience. They ain't figgered out how to bottle that stuff just yet!

I'm going to download their "Vintage Warmer" plugin as soon as I get done upgrading to Cubase 5.1. Not because I think it'll be very useful- but because I can't _wait_ to hear what they think of as "vintage warmth"!

I downloaded both mixpac and stereo pac and tried them. I ended up buying the stereo pac. I think the stereo pac is worth the $24. I did not like mixpac.

If you have a decent tracks, mixed well, stereo pac will help you. I think it will really warm up a vocal. Duplicate the vocal track and then try the delay of stereo pac.
For what it is worth I dont own PSP effects but they get the highest reviews in the Music/Recording press and a friend of mine who has a demo album that really does rival ANY commercial album uses them and swears by them. For results see www.haloinreverse.net
Thanks for the input guys. I know mixing is an art form in itself, and it does take a trained ear to know what is really going on or what needs to be done. I know a little about mixing, about enough to get me in trouble that is. Most people that walk in my studio want a product as soon as they get through with the project. For those kinds of people, I wanted a plug in that would just color it up a little (quickly) before they took it home and played it for their friends. out of all the people that have walked into my studio ONE group wanted me to hold onto their songs for me to polish and shine. The rest wanted a CD on the spot and was in a hurry to get the hell out of dodge because they were in a rush to begin with and really didn't have the time to record in the first place. I'm sorry for taking the sarcasm so personal though. I know that it is coming from the voice of experience to a new guy. I actually appreciate you all taking the time to throw in a little humor while answering my questions about PSP.. Thanks again!
Bruce'll undoubtedly spank me for this- but I just tried, and then much to my surprise immediately *bought*, the PSP VintageWarmer plugin. Shoot, any plugin that has a preset named "First Aid For Mastering" just _has_ to be good, no?

Wayullll, _damn_. It's actually a pretty versatile plugin. It sounds best when used very delicately (to noone's surprise, I'm sure...), but it can do some very amusing and _useful_ things when hung across a stereo buss. It is _absolutely_ no panacea, nor is it a replacement for real mastering, but it's not just your father's multiband compressor/limiter/distressor/munger/Swiss Army Knife, either. For folks who just have to have plugins, it's well worth a listen to the freebie demo. http://www.pspaudioware.com/indexen.html

Shoot, between that and Steinberg's "datube" plugin, I'm set for life, right? All kidding aside: for anything I actually care about, I'll still send it out to the pros. But for my own personal hacking, this is actually very amusing code.
I tried the vintage warmer demo some weeks ago. I was VERY impressed. Its a plugin I can pay money for. I actually made the vox sound better.