Mixing a 6 piece


New member
I'm in a rock band with horns, think Less than Jake. I was wondering if someone could steer me in a good direction on how I should start panning these tracks. What I have recorded is.
Drum overhead- 1 track
Bass drum- 1 track
Bass- 1 track
Snare- 1 track
Guitar- 2 tracks (I recorded guitar twice and plan on panning each track hard left, right)
Alto sax- 1 track
Baritone Sax 1 track
Combination of Bari and Alto- 1 track (I used an omni out in front of both saxes while they were also both being close miked)
Vocals- 1 track

I know this could be done many different ways and it depends on the song, but I'm completly lost as to how I should go about panning. Thanks for any help.
Use your imagination. It doesn't have to be exactly how you do it live but picture them in a room or on a stage and make it happen with panning and reverb. There's no right way to do it. Just make it interesting and believable.