

New member
Hi All, I've been reading Home Recording for about 5 mouths now and have got a lot of good info. I was just wondering why I never hear anyone metion PEAVEY! I am a Bass player and use all Peavey gear. I am also the man that does all the recording for the group. I have an FD-4 that I use to record live and also a Peavey Unity 500 mixer it's a very rugged unit and everything plugs into the front the only thing in the back is th 48 volts. Just wornding why in 5 mouths of reading I've never heard PEAVEY anywhere?
Probably 'cos, for the most part, it's moderate, uncharacteristic gear. Usable, sometimes good - sometimes not so good, but otherwise not an outstanding or exceptional brand of equipment. Kinda reminds me of Ibanez guitars - usable, but they don't really have their own characteristic identity....

It probably sounds like I'm dissing Peavey - but I'm really not... if their gear works for you that's all that counts!

Bruce Valeriani
Blue Bear Sound

I think bvaleria sort of wrapped it up.

Their older mixers are too noisy to use in todays low noise digital age. Their new ones may have improved sound to noise ratios a bunch, but, I have used a Unity console before, and one thing they HAVEN'T changed is their mostly lame sounding preamps, the their unsufferable eq's!

You know, they have a tube mic preamp that is excellent sounding though! But after that, I have found little in Peaveys line that doesn't have a better counterpart for the same price in another brand.

For live sound, I have mixed on the top end Peavey speaker systems with the Peavey amps, and while they are not going to take any business away from EAW or Crown, the stuff sounds reasonable, and is mostly very dependable.

Welcome to our often opinionated BBS! :)

No kidding! We have blown 3 Peavey power amps at shows this year! It's not too fun when right in the middle of a song you lose some speakers, or your monitors, or whatever. I have vowed to never touch Peavey anything again! I bought all Mackie amps. Well, all being 2...I don't have a HUGE setup...and they work great!
Sorry for the opinion.

Thanks to all. Kristian thanks for the info about the 5 string I've been thinking about getting one. I've played Bass for 35 years and am using a Peavey 4 string don't like the pickup too well but the neck is the fastest I've ever played and it's light also I'll have to check out their 5 strings. Again thanks to all. Donny!!!