mixers with direct channel outs


New member
What are some descent mixers that have a direct line out for each channel (Perferabley under $1000 if possible)? Does Mackie make any that do?
All the Mackie VLZ-PRO line have direct outs for the mike input channels.
Some of the larger Behringer mixers have direct outs, but they are missing from the smaller units.
Alesis Studio 24 and 32 both have direct-outs and monitor ins.
Stay the hell away from Behringer Mixers!
I have a Mackie 1604 VLZ - as the above thread stated all Mackie's have direct outs. On the 1604 the first 8 channels have direct outs, the other 8 do not.

You can find a Mackie 16 channel for under a grand with no problem and they are good mixers with pretty good preamps too - but that is subjective I guess.

I too would stay away from the Behringer.

I'm new to digital recording (Roland vs880ex) and have borrowed a friends Makie board and drove him nuts with questions. It's cleand, controlableand best of all it does what is says it will do. I'm sold.
and don't forget, those "inserts" on each channel can be used as direct outs too....just push the plug in "half-way"
The Allen & Heath Mix Wizard 16:2 has direct outs for each of the 16 channels.
More than just "decent" and under a grand.
I dislike Behringer mixers for a lot of reasons

1/ The first time I saw one advertised and realised it looked just like a Mackie it offended me that they would try to rip everyone off so blatantly.

2/ I discovered soon after that I also didn't like the sound or feel of the board.

3/ Since then I have come across very many malfunctioning Behringer boards. Channels that sound totally different from each other, a solo level knob that induced a loud hum on the main L/R outputs, channel preamps that crapped out on an only mildly hot kick drum signal, non working headphone outs, etc. These were all on different boards and are just things that I have personally experienced.
3 ways to use Insert on a mixer

mixmkr said:
and don't forget, those "inserts" on each channel can be used as direct outs too....just push the plug in "half-way"

There are 3 ways to use Channel Inserts Jacks on a mixer. Explained in the Mackie Manual.

1. Direct out with NO signal interruption to master, insert to 1st click.

2. Direct out with singnal interruption to master, Insert all the way in to
the 2nd click.

3. For use as an effect loop. Tip= SEND to effect, RING= RETURN from
choctaw said:
Maybe when they get this old someone should have the power to put them in the pooper.


(this thread comes from '5 years into the future')

Why do people hate Opelhammertons? I thought they were great virtual desks??:D
superspit said:

(this thread comes from '5 years into the future')

I don't understand your post ...........my comment was when a thread gets so old it just takes up bandwidth and needs to go to the pooper. So as to make more room for all the BS we have to read here. However I did not even look at the date when I commented.........just jumped in and started typing, then saw the thread was as old as dirt. What is the Gold, Gold stuff?
dude...we obviously live on opposite sides of the planet....it's all cool and I'm agreeing totally with you. 'Gold....Gold....' is just an Australian way of implying that, in this particular case, the thread is great and worth lots!...simple. I am with you 100 % bros!
So everything is 'shit hot and shiny bright' then?
Allen and Heath is the way to go. You can route options for the direct out unlike the mackie boards. For the direct outs on my mix wizard you can have them post fader, post eq. So you can use the eq for tracking. May I also mention that the eq's mid high and mid low frequencies are sweepable! The mix wizard also has the better mic pre in my opinion.
superspit said:
dude...we obviously live on opposite sides of the planet....

Yep we are on different parts of the earth. Im located in Missouri USA right smack in the middle of the country. Thanks for the info......sorry about the balls up (confusion) not trying to be a Stickybeak (meddler) just commenting here. So be cool, and boss while living by the days.