Mixers wanted! Pop rock tune

  • Thread starter Thread starter famous beagle
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Cool! Sounds great. That's the first time any of my music has been treated to a real plate reverb, that's for sure! :) What all was the plate used on? Very nice all the way around. Thanks much!

And thanks for the kind words on the song. I have another one right now called "Traffic" in the mp3 clinic, and I have two more new ones that I'm going to post in there in a few days or so.

By the way, I just checked out your stuff on soundcloud: very interesting sound! It really reminds me of that 80s pop thing, like Michael McDonald, Hall and Oates ... definitely not something you hear every day nowadays. Although, the 80s sound has definitely made a comeback recently --- that "Shut Up and Dance with Me" song sounds straight out of an 80s movie soundtrack. So maybe this is your time! :)

Thanks so much for checking out my "80's" stuff. My dad had this type of music playing all the time when I was growing up and I've found that with the difficult music business, it's best to write and record music you like yourself. In the end you have some tunes that you can enjoy yourself. My home recording songs are waaaayy, over produced, definitely get carried away with new plugins and toys. I'm the one who needs someone to mix my tunes with quick finger on the delete button. Oh, well.

The plate was used on the whole track as a send/receive. There is very little you can do to alter the plate sound other than the Reverb Time but it does make your singing really shine especially in the tails falling off into silence.

Your song was in my head for at least a week, really liked it a lot. There are a couple things you did that were so professional. Most artist I record these days, just come in and play their instruments from start to stop but you used different interesting sounds in each separate part. Sometimes the actual chord doesn't have to be played outright but alluded to with parts. Less is usually more. When I have a tough mix, I start taking out parts instead of adding and sometimes it's just the trick.

Will check out your other tunes, again, great job!
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Half Finished Mix?

Here's my submission. I haven't mixed in ages, but liked your track so I'd though I'd give it a stab.

Hey everyone,

I've tried mixing this one, and in the process I've completely lost all objectivity, so I'd love to hear what someone else can do with it. Attached is the mix I've done so you can get an idea.

And the raw tracks can be found here:


Thanks much to anyone who participates!


Here's my submission. I haven't mixed in ages, but liked your track so I'd though I'd give it a stab.

Thanks a lot! Very interesting sounds --- especially the snare. It sounds very aggressive. It's so cool to hear all these different takes on the song. :)
Hi Famous Beagle,
Nice song!
Do you have a music page/about you?
Are you on Facebook?

Thanks! I don't have an official page set up at this point. It's something I've been meaning to do for a while, but I've yet to get around to it. I was on FB a few years ago, but it was only because I had a band. However, I'm also an author of guitar instructional books, and my wife keeps telling me that I really need to put together a page and a FB page to help promote my books. She's probably right, but, again, I haven't done it yet. :(

Our band's album was available on amazon and itunes, but it doesn't seem to be anymore. I need to contact the bass player about that and see why (he did all the online stuff). But you can hear all the tunes here:


I have a soundcloud page too, but it's mostly guitar-oriented stuff from my books and all. There are only a few singer/songwriter things on there.

Hi there,
I sent you a PM.
Wow-the SoundCloud's are great!

Thanks! I don't have an official page set up at this point. It's something I've been meaning to do for a while, but I've yet to get around to it. I was on FB a few years ago, but it was only because I had a band. However, I'm also an author of guitar instructional books, and my wife keeps telling me that I really need to put together a page and a FB page to help promote my books. She's probably right, but, again, I haven't done it yet. :(

Our band's album was available on amazon and itunes, but it doesn't seem to be anymore. I need to contact the bass player about that and see why (he did all the online stuff). But you can hear all the tunes here:


I have a soundcloud page too, but it's mostly guitar-oriented stuff from my books and all. There are only a few singer/songwriter things on there.

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Half Finished Book

I like the song…I'm a sucker for the poppy type of stuff, Here's my take on it…used LCR panning added a pultec 670 with about a 4-4.5:1 ratio on the guitars, and a black 76 on the drum bus, really squished the individual drums…but left the overhead and rooms pretty well untouched, added a sprinkling of drum room verb. used waves JPP Vocal on both the vocals. finished it out with a 670 on the entire mix set up for Lat/Vert widening to stretch the width of the sound stage.
View attachment Half Finished Book ZHS.mp3
I like the song…I'm a sucker for the poppy type of stuff, Here's my take on it…used LCR panning added a pultec 670 with about a 4-4.5:1 ratio on the guitars, and a black 76 on the drum bus, really squished the individual drums…but left the overhead and rooms pretty well untouched, added a sprinkling of drum room verb. used waves JPP Vocal on both the vocals. finished it out with a 670 on the entire mix set up for Lat/Vert widening to stretch the width of the sound stage.
View attachment 94251

Very nice stuff! Thanks a lot! I really enjoyed the vocal treatment, and the space created overall was very pleasant. I dig! :)
Hello famous beagle. Great Song!
I've been away for a while and this is my first mix in the last five years.
Here is my attempt.
Please let me know what you think.

EDIT: UPSS today a checked the mix with monitors and i noticed that vocals were very wet. I attached a new version.


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Hello famous beagle. Great Song!
I've been away for a while and this is my first mix in the last five years.
Here is my attempt.
Please let me know what you think.

EDIT: UPSS today a checked the mix with monitors and i noticed that vocals were very wet. I attached a new version.

Thanks very much! I dig the low end you got on this one for sure. The bass sounds nice and beefy. Nice verbs too. I enjoyed it a lot, thanks! :)
A good tune - my take on the mix

Hello! Here's my take on the tune. A catchy one, also a very good production. A pleasure to mix!
Please feel free to comment, I suspect I might have gone a bit over the board on compression every here and there. What do you people think? Thanks in advance for any comments, advice or even an occasional thumbs-up :)
View attachment HalfFinishedMix.mp3
I couldn't just leave it be - had to doctor some "home mastering" on the track as well:
View attachment HalfFinishMaxx2.mp3
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funny how different these all sound...

listening to the neve console mix from way back (totally 80's sounding, but still awesome) to this most recent post ^ (90's REM-sound IMO). great song Beagle, that's why everyone wants to work on the mix! nice job guys