Mixers, Preamps & Sound Cards


New member
This may be a better questions for the Computer Recording Forum, but I am a Newbie so...

Let's say I want to record Drums and Bass simultaneously on my DAW (I don't have one yet)

So, I need 4-5 inputs for the Drum mic's and one for the Bass.
Would I be better off with an 5 in and 5 out pre-amp going to a card like the Delta 1010 so that each mic gets a track or should I get a mixer and a card with fewer inputs and run the drum mix to 1 or 2 tracks.

Or...is it the best of both worlds to get a mixer AND an eight input card...

Or... What? I'm trying to figure out what to buy. I do acoustic originals - mostly audio but a little midi.


Id go with the 8 input soundcard, possibly the Delta 1010lt and a small Mackie mixer.......youll save yourself alot of anger/frustration/time by recording your drums on separate channels/tracks.....
As Gidge said 8 inputs is just what you need when recording drums and bass simultaneosly. If money is a object you might want to check Hoontech cards too. Mackie mixers have exelent preamps but you might want to check other brands too. Once you get your concept together you must start the terrible project of compearing the prices and the quality of different products...

an easy way to go is to trust someone whose been happy with his/hers solution and copy that.

good luck
