
ade UK

New member
right i am in the market for a mixer to fill its place in my home studio, i would like 14 channels or more as i have a yamaha module, and emu esi2000 turbo, a few guitars & turntables.

cash is limited but the following mixers would suit my pocket

behringer mx2004
mackie 1402vlz
soundcraft folio sx

which would be the better of these and are thier any others that would suit me

i have a m-audio 44 so a 4 bus config would be best
Soundcraft folio's and MackieVLZ's are good boards, as long as their specs meet your needs, either would be great.....Soundcraft may have a slight advantage....
Definitely Soundcraft!!!

Consider looking for a s/hand Spirit Studio 24/8 if you are only using it for studio work and not as a "live" console.

Or try this link.......www.studiosys.demon.co.uk as another alternative.

Peace.........ChrisO :cool:
Recently at our local pro shop, one of the guys pulled me over to show their (then new) Soundcraft M-Series boards.... he showed me and asked me what I thought - not having it plugged in, I assume he was talking aesthetics and overall feel as opposed to sound-quality.

I played with the knobs - they didn't have a solid feel - loose and flabby - same with the faders - in a word, floppy... he banged on the chassis and said, yeah but they're built solid. As he banged I heard a rattling... I picked the unit up and shook it - sounded like maracas! Something definitely wrong - one should not be able to use a mixer to replace a maracas track if the maracas break on you!

We did the same to all the other M-Series models they had and they were all the same. Now - these *might* be nice sounding boards, I don't know... but Soundcraft's literature on them expounds their ruggedness and durability, and from the rattling of loose components and the poor feel of the faders and knobs, they didn't get that spec right.

All this means is while the sound quality is the most important feature to be concerned with, it does pay to "kick the tires" a bit on any mixer you do buy. If the faders/knobs feel sloppy, chances are the sound will too.


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Bruce, what you're hearing is a titanium ball in a mercury tube used to give state of levelness info to the onboard computer. Very hi-tech stuff. I thought you would have known that. :D
Blue Bear Sound said:

I played with the knobs - they didn't have a solid feel - loose and flabby - same with the faders - in a word, floppy...


Yeah, I always hated the loose feel of the faders on the cheap Soundcrafts.
getuhgrip said:
Bruce, what you're hearing is a titanium ball in a mercury tube used to give state of levelness info to the onboard computer. Very hi-tech stuff. I thought you would have known that. :D
DOH!!!!!! *sheepish* i forgot... :(

;) :D

I've got a Soundcraft Folio F1 (16 channel version). I'm happy with the sound, but the board does have a cheap feel I wasn't expecting. i.e. cheap, loose feeling faders and knobs. The faders on my Tascam 424 4-track feel much more solid and 'satisfying'. This was disappointing as Soundcraft say a lot about the rugged build of their boards etc. They also make a lot out of them being British, but first thing I saw when I turned over the Folio was 'Made in China'. However, it does the job and will do for now.
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