Mixer-Sound card question


New member
Hello, I want to know is this a good way to hook up mixer and soundcard.

So, all microphones goes into mixer inputs, and when I want to record some of them I need to

send them to one of 4 stereo groups (or 8 mono), which are sent to soundcards inputs.

Is there a better way of hooking up, and also can I somehow bypass mixers preamps and

and use only soundcard pres because I guess it's better quality on them?

Mixer is behringer eurodesk mx 9000, and soundcard is Motu 896hd.
Generally when you say "soundcard" people will think you mean the SoundBlaster or SoundMAX card that comes with your computer. What you have is an audio interface.

Are you recording a whole band live or are you overdubbing tracks one or a few at a time? If it's the whole band then I would say you need to put it all through the mixer so you can send up to four separate live monitor mixes to the players. If you're overdubbing several tracks at a time then skip the mixer, connect directly to the MOTU and use its input monitoring function.

To record from the bus outs of the Behringer just connect them to the MOTU with TRS cables. The MX9000 also has channel direct outputs so if there are things you don't plan to submix you can record directly from the channel.