Mixer preamps vs. Outboard Preamps


New member

Would there be a significant improvement in recording quality if I ran everything (mics, guitars and keyboards) through an outboard preamp like a Focusrite ISA 428 before it goes to the DAW? Right now I'm using one mic preamp amp and a few line inputs on a Tascam FW 1804 and some line inputs on a Tascam DM-24.


I agree that the Tascam 1804 had decent pres and a good sound and is probably not the weakest link in your recording/monitoring enviroment. I am a fan of the current Tascam interfaces for project studio budgets and work.

That said, intrinsically speaking the Focusrite 428 is indeed going to have a distinctly superior sound over the 1804, IMO, especially in the mic pre section.

But - without knowing the quality of the rest of your recording lair or your recording chops - the return on inventment for a $1700, four-channel interface may not be worth it if your mics, your recording environment, your signal chain and your skills using them are not up to the task as well.

If you don't need the money for mic inventory, room treatments or monitor upgrades, and you have the chops to max the gear, then yeah, the Focusrite might be a worthy investment. That's for you to honestly judge and decide.
