Mixed pop punk song

Sounds better than the first time. Why the hell are the drums only on the left side? Stylistic? For the intro it sounds good like that but move it center. And it also sounds a bit noisey with static occasionally but maybe that's just me. Overall nice job.
Drums should be centred, and louder.
Vocals are too loud in the mix and need more reverb and some EQ work. Try cutting certain frequencies on the vocals to make them fit better.
Bass needs to be louder also.

Sounds like you have some nicely recorded tracks.
But I can hear noise coming in and out, might be from the vocal track, not too sure.
I would find out what track the noise is coming from and re track that track.
Also there are a few clicks in the left channel at the break down when its just the guitar.

With some more work you could get this mix sounding really good.

Keep at it.
Its all about praticing loads! and then some more. :P

The second mix is better in many ways.

Drums are snappier, panning is better on the guitars. Not as much distortion on the vocals.

I'm getting drums leaning to the left side a bit too.

The lead at 3:00 on the right side might come up a tad.

Found the vocals to be just a tad loud for the mix. I'd take them down just a touch so they sit better with the instruments.

Cool tune too BTW.....

:cool: :D :cool: :D
yea im going to try to isolate that little static, i do belive it is fromthe vocals.

and ill fix the drum panning, it was the first time i tried panning soemthing and i guess it didnt work to well.

ive alwyas had trouble mixing bass, i know your supposed to have it as loud as the bass drum but thats about it so any help there would be appretiated also.
ConcreteHippo said:
and ill fix the drum panning, it was the first time i tried panning soemthing and i guess it didnt work to well.

ive alwyas had trouble mixing bass, i know your supposed to have it as loud as the bass drum but thats about it so any help there would be appretiated also.
Take your time and review your work the next day while trying it out on different systems. You would have noticed that yourself if you had.

When panning you should have a good idea where you want your instruments. I set them up like I was standing in front of the band and that usually works well. Experimenting is good but try not to use it too much for gimics because it distracts your attention from the music and usually indicates your not happy with it.

Use a combination of eq and placement to separate the bass from the bass drum.

Songs coming along fine :)
yea the whole panning thing makes sense now if i think about it

vocals in the middle guitars on oppostie sides drums in the middle, then bass on one of the sides or pushed a little to both or am i missing the point?

ha and that click is acctually the ride bell, i didnt have enough mics so it didnt really get picked up, at least i belive so.
ConcreteHippo said:
yea the whole panning thing makes sense now if i think about it

vocals in the middle guitars on oppostie sides drums in the middle, then bass on one of the sides or pushed a little to both or am i missing the point?

Sounds pretty good, I don't have anything to add from what they said above... and yeah the panning is distracting. Try what you said above and in general bass (I think) should be up the middle with the drums
Great song and performance. I'm looking forward to hearing this with the panning all sorted out.

But, yeah, I could also hear a version where the drum intro starts out LHS before the song kicks in, when everything centres. That's a good idea.

Get on to it.

Keep the bass centred. The bass and kick drum are like the back bone of the rythym so you want them bang in the middle.

Bass is hard to mix. I hae trouble with the bass alot. Its all about getting it so you can hear each note in the mix and so it has a tight lo end. A healthy portion of lo end but so it never goes boomy and overpowers the song.

To do this you need to compress pretty heavily. And also have a hi pass EQ on the the bass.

Good luck.
I think i got the bass and drums squared away, they both were bassically set at the same eqs before.

I set the guitars appart also, and am still working on vocals.

I need some help on vocals. I really have no clue how to mix vocals, how to eq them if i even am supposed to or how to set reverb.
you have the vocals compressed way too much, thats what the hiss is. lay off the threshold. that will make them quieter too which will be good.
the bass drum could use a bit more low end if possible to keep it from sounding like a toy drum set.
shit actually just about everything is compressed too much now that i hear the end
Centre the bass & give it some definition.
Centre the kit
pan the cymbals inside the guitar pan though
either decompress the vocals OR pull them back into the mix
YEAH, good stuff.
I also think less compression would be good. Other than that I think it just needs careful panning to make a more realistic soundstage, and maybe a touch of room verb applied to the vox to give a sense of depth. Vocal could use a little autotune on long tones.

Might be an edit glitch at 2:44

at 2:44 it isnt an edit glitch but the guitar and drums where offt timing for the first measure of that plam muted part so i took out the drums for the first and what you hear i belive is the guitar getting back on timing with the drums that areant there if that makes any sense.

ok so right now im decompressing hte vocals and trying to add a little reverb, i should be done soon since i already fixed bass and drums or i think i did.

and i can't really pan cymbal on the drums, it all has to be panned together becuase drums were recorded on a mixer that sends them all in one track, which sucks.
Drum panning and bass panning is centred, which is good.
Vocals sound really roomy though. Not sure if its just the reverb, could be the recording of them.
