mixdown reduces sound level of my song!!!


New member
hey everyone. i use CEP 2.0 and i have noticed that whenever i am finished with a song and i mix it down, the volume is about 75% of what it is in CEP 2.0 when i recorded it. is this normal?? if not, can someone please tell me how to correct this? thanx
How are you comparing the two versions? Are you comparing live playback vs a mix-tracked from within the project?
Yeah, it's kinda' hard to figure out what you're talking about. I mean, if you're just taking a song from some other source into CEP and then editing it, then what are you mixing down? Obviously, EQ'ing and adding FX to anything will effect the volume. That's what the master fader is for. If it's not hitting the meters hard enough on playback before you mix it down, turn it up.