Mixdown levels


New member
Hi, guys

Ok, I've got a recording which is quite hot when I play it back (peaks at -.5 or so), sounds great.

However, when I mixdown to wav (going from 24 bit to 16 bit, btw) the sound gets MUCH quieter when I play the wav file back.

Now, I play the wav file back using my SB128 PCI, but winamp is showing wussy levels and if I burn it to CD, the CD is wussy as well.

If I create a new song in winamp and import the wav file I just created, when I go into normalize and hits scan, it tells me it is already like 0.05 or so - so normallizing won't work either

Where'd my volume go?

I've also noticed the loss of volume in n-track.I believe that the n-track depiction of levels is deliberately fudged as a safety factor so that novices won't produce "overs" or digital distortion as they are learning the software.
The stereo wave files I produce get normalized in cool edit to restore the punch.I also use the frequency analysis feature in cool edit to take a snapshot of a troublesome region of music and use that as a guide in EQing.
