Mix This Request - Cover of Waves by Mr. Probz

  • Thread starter Thread starter D-toks
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New member
Hi all,

Would anyone be willing to mix my cover of Waves (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0a5WyAjL1MM) by Mr. Probz for me? I've attached the uncompressed wav files of the instrumental, lead vocals, ad libs, back up ad libs for two specific ad libs that I realized today were kind of spotty, and then my tag haha. Feel free to add your producer tag somewhere in the intro if you decide to take this mixing project on.

I set all the wav file volumes to 0, they are all completely dry with no effects, pitch correction, eq, compression, or anything whatsoever, and I've made the files convenient enough for anyone to be able to open their daw and have the files in sync by placing them at time 0.

So, hopefully at least one person can help me with this. I've yet to have had my vocals mixed by somebody else so I'm curious as to what people can come up with. I do plan to upload this cover to soundcloud at some point in the future so any help is truly appreciated!

Hey mate. Thanks for taking the time to do this. Got it to sit in the mix pretty well. Do you still have the uncompressed wav files? Once again, thanks.
I melodyned some harmonies into the first verse, hope you dont mind.


Honestly man I can't lie, this is incredible to my ears. I have no idea how you do those melodyne harmonies and those like sounds like the sound is coming from really far away effects but it sounds super cool. The only thing I noticed and maybe it's just my headphones but sometimes I only heard the ad libs in my left ear? Either way, I'd love to work and learn from you more if enjoy doing this as a hobby as well.
Here's my attempt. I'm not a real experienced mixer just getting some practice in. . . I'll have to listen to the other guys' mixes now and see how far off the deep end I went. :drunk:

View attachment dtoks_waves.mp3
Thanks man. I'll listen to it now. I still have to pm you some vox like we discussed. I haven't forgotten, I just don't have anything good atm as sad as that is to report. However I should soon.
Woah tons of distortion in the one I did. Sorry about that, I'm getting used to my monitors. . . should have listened on phones too.

Edit: this one has less distortion.View attachment dtoks_waves_2.mp3
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Distortion in what way? It didn't sound that weird to me but maybe I'm missing the ear for whatever you're hearing?
I way overdid the levels, it was clipping a lot on my headphones. Should be good now. :thumbs up:

I listened to the original btw, with the dance music I thought it was a little weird. I like your more stripped down version better.
Haha oh okay. I didn't notice but yes I did a cover of the original (the one I linked in the OP) not the dance version. Original has a lot more emotional feeling to it...if that makes sense?

You were right, it was an issue with my computer or something. It sounds fine when I listen with the same headphones on my phone. Here I've been kicking myself wondering how is this possibly clipping?! On like two songs tonight lol

God I coulda been asleep by now. . .
Haha I appreciate it you taking the time to do a mix and even revisit the mix when you didn't have to do either. :)

*Edit Now that I can A/B them, there definitely is a difference. Your ears aren't lying to you. The second one is much cleaner sounding. Thanks!
Well that's good. :thumbs up:

I want to do more of these, seems like good practice. Already flushed out an issue with my headphones lol
D-toks, i'd advise you to consider the pacing of your vocals. most phrases seem to have a few words that are rushed and not in tempo. example: 1:05-ish "pulling against the..", that part seems nervous/rushed. compared to 1:38-ish...you are taking your time and getting those lyrics out nice and clear. there's an emotion in that phrase you relate to the listener....but when you rush things, it sounds like you're reading from a sheet rather than singing what you are "feeling"...i know it's a cover, but there's a genuine-ness that doesn't come across in parts of the track. giving a solid vocal performance is really a lot more than memorizing words and singing them in key.

get up to your mic, think "i don't give a f--k, this is what i'm feeling right now" and let er' rip. i promise you, along with the pitch correction easlern used, your vocal performance will be much improved if you develop some confidence and emotion behind what you're singing. whether it's anger, sadness, joy, whatever...i'd like to hear some of that from your vox.

oh, and nice mix easlern. guitar tones are awesome.