Mix this please! (unwanted noise)


New member

I just need to get rid of the background noise it has all over the track, and the "clicking" sounds it has on the louder parts, around the minute 9:30 for example.

And I think the 6th string sounds a little loud sometimes, could you turn it down a bit?

I would be forever grateful if someone could do those things

The link to download the mp3 file is in my signature

Thanks a lot!
Okay I can help you with the clicks. You have something wrong with your equipment, I don't know what. The clicks are 8-11 samples long and often appear as double clicks 3/100 seconds apart, even in quiet moments. They always appear when the volume goes from near zero to something louder, but not always loud sounds. Its NOT clipping, but very noticeable DIGITAL errors. Did the best I had patience for, as the auto remove wasn't working so did most manually... Sorry. The signal chain somewhere seems to dislike transient sounds like the slap of the strings. You should re-record and test your equipment.
The guitar volume I will hand over to someone else.

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Thanks for taking the time to do it, it does sound a little bit better now

If someone else would like to give it a shot I would be really thankful
Thanks for taking the time to do it, it does sound a little bit better now

If someone else would like to give it a shot I would be really thankful

Are you using loops? I know when I create loops, I have to get them to sit just right or they sound pretty bad. Like a strumming guitar, if I want to loop it, I have to end the loop with the strum going up and the beginning going down. Otherwise, it will give an odd sound.
Are you using loops? I know when I create loops, I have to get them to sit just right or they sound pretty bad. Like a strumming guitar, if I want to loop it, I have to end the loop with the strum going up and the beginning going down. Otherwise, it will give an odd sound.

I didn't use loops, but I did record different sections separately, if I made a mistake I would re-record just that part. But the majority of the clicks are not because of that, just a few are.
I didn't use loops, but I did record different sections separately, if I made a mistake I would re-record just that part. But the majority of the clicks are not because of that, just a few are.

If you can take the original and look at the Cross fades (your DAW should have how you fade from one sound file to the other) so that it will smooth out the transition. So for your punch ins, look at how the the sounds mix with each other on the Cross fades.
If you can take the original and look at the Cross fades (your DAW should have how you fade from one sound file to the other) so that it will smooth out the transition. So for your punch ins, look at how the the sounds mix with each other on the Cross fades.

I know that, the problem is that would only fix two or three of the clicks. Thanks
I knew it could be done but I didn't know exactly how

Ah, the reason I bring this up is you have to correct it at the source, because if you render the tracks, it comes as one sound file. If you are not sure how to do it, the best way is to keep the punch ins on a separate track, and it can be a pain, allow the mixer to make the fix in the mixing DAW. Otherwise, you have to use a filter or edits that are difficult if not impossible to remove.

Based on that, there might not be a problem with your equipment, but your source files from the DAW rendering (Crossfades). If you look at your DAWs instructions, it should be straight forward on how to do Cross fades, could at least the clicking noise and that start to get you closer to your goal.
Ah, the reason I bring this up is you have to correct it at the source, because if you render the tracks, it comes as one sound file. If you are not sure how to do it, the best way is to keep the punch ins on a separate track, and it can be a pain, allow the mixer to make the fix in the mixing DAW. Otherwise, you have to use a filter or edits that are difficult if not impossible to remove.

Based on that, there might not be a problem with your equipment, but your source files from the DAW rendering (Crossfades). If you look at your DAWs instructions, it should be straight forward on how to do Cross fades, could at least the clicking noise and that start to get you closer to your goal.

The problem is I glued all the tracks and saved it all as one track
The problem is I glued all the tracks and saved it all as one track

Most DAWs do not destructive editing. That means, while it may have changed it in the DAW, they usually don't touch the source. If you know where the original source files are (plus, use save as in the future so you always have an easy fall back position ;) ), you can probably get it back to the original source for the track. Not sure of your DAW, but many have, replace file with ..., Your new DAW file should be in the same folder as your source file.

I hope I am not confusing you, but if you don't get the source correct (cross fades in this case), then you can only filter out so much before it has a negative affect on the final (taking out sound you don't want it to).
Most DAWs do not destructive editing. That means, while it may have changed it in the DAW, they usually don't touch the source. If you know where the original source files are (plus, use save as in the future so you always have an easy fall back position ;) ), you can probably get it back to the original source for the track. Not sure of your DAW, but many have, replace file with ..., Your new DAW file should be in the same folder as your source file.

I hope I am not confusing you, but if you don't get the source correct (cross fades in this case), then you can only filter out so much before it has a negative affect on the final (taking out sound you don't want it to).

To give you an idea of how little I understand of mixing I don't even know what DAW means. If I send you the Cubase file could you fix it?
To give you an idea of how little I understand of mixing I don't even know what DAW means. If I send you the Cubase file could you fix it?

I don't have Cubase, many here do. You may want to post the question in the Cubase section. That way you can give the project folder and they may be able to assist.

If you can navigate to the project folder, zip the folder, then those with Cubase (you will need to tell them what version you are using) should be able to download the project, unzip it, bring the project into Cubase and go from there.

Give it a try.
I'm going to record it again, what should I do to make sure it's going to sound good this time? Turning down the volume of the guitar? If I use a Guitar Rig preset that sounds good while recording and after I record I change it for the preset I used the first time I recorded it would it sound ok?
I'm going to record it again, what should I do to make sure it's going to sound good this time? Turning down the volume of the guitar? If I use a Guitar Rig preset that sounds good while recording and after I record I change it for the preset I used the first time I recorded it would it sound ok?

General rule, do a mic check and make sure you don't clip. Even if the input volume is low at first, you can correct in mixing by boosting the volume. So watch your inputs. Make sure if you are using any preamps (mixer board for example), they are not clipping either, even if your digital signal isn't clipping, if you're going through some board, it can clip and that will be transferred to the final.

If you can't hear the sound well, turn up your headphones, not the input gain. Good clean signal is what you want. If you punch in and punch out, there is nothing wrong with that, common practice. Record some before and after so that you can use your cross fades and "blend the two" together. Watch your source levels so they either match are very close.

Not sure how much you want to learn on mixing, but even if you don't want to learn everything in your DAW (Digital Audio Workstation), knowing how to record will help you get a good mix from others, a source is the most important. Doing these things will go along way to a great mix.

I hope I helped.
His crossfades are fine, tho not professional, he didn't clip it, it's not the DAW. Download the file and zoom in to sample resolution. A few, as few as three, bad samples are audible to the human ear quite well. They are not quite random, as most are on the start of his guitar strum, a very transient guitar strumming. Some of the strums are low in volume, some loud, and some of the clicks are in very quiet parts. They are digital ERRORS, either in his buffering, disk access, WIFI, whatever. Run DPC Latency checker. Something is not right, maybe a cheap onboard sound card? Record dead silence for a while, see if you get clicks again. wiggle the mic cord, the guitar cord... It is NOT your recording methods that are the problem. It should have been click free. Good luck. Record it again, and try to learn punch in and multi tracking in your program as it will auto crossfade any comping, or combining of multiple takes. "Record to layers or takes". Try Presonus Studio One V2.6 they have a free version? (Former Cubase people)
Added: Oh and yes record clean tracks then add the presets from guitar rig? MOST daws do that anyway.... just make sure.
I recorded it again and it doesn't have the clicks anymore but I still get that "shh" sound all over the track with some presets (especially the one I want to use). What should I do?
I recorded it again and it doesn't have the clicks anymore but I still get that "shh" sound all over the track with some presets (especially the one I want to use). What should I do?

OK, you will have to go into a little more detail than that. What is the effect you are using? This may be where you might have to do a little research to understand the effect, what it does and what the settings mean.

But we can get you started, what is the plugin that is making the noise (sounds like a phase pedal or something like that.
Here is a picture of the preset. I'm not sure what is making the noise, I already tried turning off every effect one by one but the noise doesn't stop


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