A few things that need fixing:
At the very end of the song the synth-est track needs silencing just before the final note on the piano and bass, otherwise the remaining echo/delay taps ring through and sound out of tune, if that makes sense.
Vocals: You have the 2 vocal tracks panned wide, which gives an interesting effect. But in a few places, where I only had one good take and had to paste in into both tracks (completely my fault), the stereo field collapses for a few words or syllables. In some places it's good, but in some it's really jarring (like the beginning of verse 2 at 1:26 - "I am deciding..."). How would you feel about playing with delaying one of the tracks about 20ms, and/or reversing the phase so it doesn't collapse so badly, or any other mixing tricks you can come up with to make it stay separated that may work even better.