Mix - need suggestions before final mix. Rock.

Really like the music. Good for you guys.
Don't Need A Reason, maybe more snap in the snare drum. I like the sound of it, just maybe more attack. Yeah, more vocals. I would bring the acoustic in toward the center.

Come Back Runnin, drums seem to dominate and are a little wide to my taste. Love the tremlo guitar.

Good stuff.
Very good tunes, all recorded in one go?? Sounds pretty tight if you did.
What exactly do you have in mind with the single tracks?
Wow, really good songs. I like the drum sound for the music. Every instrument works well together. In the first mix, I think the lows in the acoustics could be brought up a bit. Good job.
Very good.

"Don't need a reason"... less stereo... it sounds a bit fake for the style... especially in the intro... vocal too low.

"Come back"... same again... I'm struggling to hear the vocal.
Thanks guys!

Yeah, I just did a quick mix on the headphones we used to record with so I could burn some cds and listen in the car to garner some ideas for the real mix. I agree with the general consensus - mix definitely needs some thickening up, I may end up taking out some of the instruments in places to really concentrate on getting a good sound with the core instrumentation. I'm going to do some serious work on it today and hopefully post some updated mixes, and hopefully get some more feedback here.
Updated mix.

The tape delay on the whole mix may not be everybody's cup of tea but I dig it. Gotta ask my drummer's opinion still, I was just kinda mucking about.