Mix check on isle 5!!!!!

ok, now i tried to fix it over and over......but nothing was working, so i did what anyone else would have done at this point....

.....re-recorded the BASS.

and i must say, it certainly dosnt have any troubles poking out in the mix now......LOL

(same link as first post)
the issue is at around 18 seconds in all the low guitars and bass its just low end mud. I did find a fix but you arn't going to like it. I put a huge dip in the eq at 168hz like -9.8 db which gave a lot of clarity to the guitars but brought the bass way up you can mix it with some bass but this track has way to much low end at 18 seconds and dominates your area for bass. If you sweep the track with a signal generator every area you boosted were notes played 54 hz 84 hz 76 hz 168hz you have to compromise on your bottom end. I would actully just roll off the guitars fully with a low pass at around 120hz any fullness you need could then be boosted around 240-250hz which is where the guitars sits. The deep bottom end of the guitar sounds artifical and just with everything that heavy it all gets dragged in the mud. Even my fix was just for the guitars I couldn't seperate the mud from that 18 seconds in thats not fixable in any form of mastering it has to be remixed to fix it
i think the real problem lies in the lead guitar, which has an 'octave' effect. Theres alot of low going on it.

the rhythm guitars to me just sound so sterile and thin to begin with (not much body/meat)....im afraid to do any cutting in the low end on them.......im actully trying to find a way to fatten them up!! lol!

i think my re-recording of the bass helped a bit......

now i just need to fix the guitars........

im about reday to give up on this mix........
Ok man, breathe. Calm. Now breath again. Make a copy of your session. Now thrown all your faders down.

Let your FIRST MIX to rest a while, you've been too much close to that song and maybe you're tired of hearing it. Try to mix it from zero, using your first experience and try to make it better. If you continue playing around with the same one you're gonna ruin it, believe me. it happens in all field of art. There's a say in graphic design: "Design is to know when to stop designing"

Your SECOND MIX can be different, using new resources or maybe trying something it didn't occurred to you the first time. When it's done, compare both versions and decide which is the one you lie the most.

Breath. Relax. Start mixing, damn it!!! :D
)....im afraid to do any cutting in the low end on them.......im actully trying to find a way to fatten them up!! lol!

you dont need them fatter till you figure out where everything sits. I have no idea what kind of music you listen to, but I have a crap load of metal albums and none of the guitars are that bass heavy where they sound like a bass guitar. It's to much plain and simple it doesn't work with the tracks you have
and I'm done trying to explain that I give up if you think thats good enough to sell to people good luck :)
i think it sounds fine. i listen with my mind shut off and if i can llisten to something without thinking "that sounds like shit" then its a good mix. not once did i flinch and think "what is this shit." i was relaxed the whole way through. :)
Really like this one, Bryan.
My only nit would be that it sounds a bit too compressed, like it needs to breathe a little more. The low-end in the rythm gits is a matter of taste to me, they sound nice and evil. Song is great, though!

Joe :):)
This is a really cool song but the bass killing it. If you re-record the bass and play an octave higher it would sound much more musical instead of being muddy rumble.
What a great instrumental song!!!!!

I really liked it, the musicianship is really solid.

Yeah, maybe the low fundation is a bit overpowering, but still, it's a great song!
