Mister Joy (country style - medium rare tempo - no pretense)


Country style
Pickup : Single lines - all players
I named my boy Mister Joy
I named my boy Mister Joy
Every where he goes
He buys fancy clothes
I named my boy Mister Joy

(Continue same chords)

I named my boy Mister Joy
Everywhere he goes
He has no foes
I named my boy Mister Joy

I named my boy Mister Joy
Everywhere he goes
His loves them hoes
I named my boy Mister Joy

I named my boy Mister Joy
Everywhere he goes
The grass he mows
I named my boy Mister Joy

I named my boy Mister Joy
Every where he goes
He blows his nose
I named my boy Mister Joy

I named my boy Mister Joy
Everywhere he goes
He never pose
I named my boy Mister Joy

I named my boy Mister Joy
Every where he goes
He smells like a rose
I named my boy Mister Joy

I named my boy Mister Joy
Everywhere he goes
His sorrow shows
I named my boy Mister Joy

I named my boy Mister Joy
Every where he goes
He takes his toes
I named my boy Mister Joy

No charge
Guilt is pulling me down off my beer chair
agin or so them up there say so
i hear the fire burning calmly
i gather my thoughts

lookin for a beat
from a old old man
or not


not :
(high sweet yaays)
please stop the scratching
please stop the noise
all night long the worrisome sounds of doors clicking.
foot steps and knobs being turned.
away with all this clatter
I want quiet or silence.
I prefer silence.
The black nothing but me.
This is my dream.
Just me. Alone
No opinion. No comment. No order.
Nothing but smooth flat deaf.
The empty barren plain as far as the ear can hear.
Easy now, I will place my weary head on the pillow.
I will stop fighting.
I will accept that the day is done.
I am no one.
I am nothing now.
A blue grey heaven is above me.
11 black birds fly in procession against an orange sunset.
darkness intrudes like a welcome stranger again
dark shows my best side now. half in shadow. half lit.
a cool long cover is my beddress
my feet are uncurled
my brow is unfurrowed
my eyes are fixed again on the interior of all that is me.
and it is balanced finally like a boat on a placid pool of water.
go to sleep old man.