missing XP drivers for soundacrds (?)


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missing XP drivers for soundcards (?)

I just bought the Audiophile 2496pci card and tried to install it. During installation, I received a message that the ksuser.dll file is needed, and was prompted to search for it. I had to cancel out of the installation.

This happened when I tried to install my SB Live card prior to buying the 2496PCI (I have always recorded on a different computer, so these were the first audio installs on my new PC). I gave up on the SB Live, thinking that it was Creative's problem, but now I'm finding otherwise... how can I go about solving this problem?

I downloaded a ksuer.dll file from a driver site, but it somehow disabled my network card, so I deleted it.
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Not sure what this file is but it probably resides on your XP installation CD and may have been mistakenly deleted from your HD. If all else fails and your willing, reformat and reinstall XP.