Miroslav Philharmonik CE - please help


New member
Hey folks!

I recently bought Miroslav Philharmonik CE from IK Multimedia. I've been flipping through the manual and so far have not yet been able to figure out how to use multiple instruments in it in Cubase LE 4.

According to the book, it says to create a VST Instrument with Philharmonik as the output. Then create multiple MIDI channels with Philharmonik as their output and their own channel. For example, you create a MIDI track on channel two, to play an instrument on slot two in Philharmonik.

I can select a patch and put it into track one in Philharmonik, and when I play my keyboard I can hear it. I can put patches into other tracks on the VST, but I can't get them to play when I play the keyboard. The MIDI tracks don't allow a VST to be selected as their output (contrary to what the manual says), only hardware.

Has anyone had any luck using Miroslav Philharmonik CE with Cubase LE 4? Help/tips would be much appreciated.