mindseye new tracks

BUMP!! no thread should go on 2nd page without an answer!!

"mistery goo" interresting sound - but too dry and way too overdrived -it jumps in the face

"blowinn out" - yeah, it blows out - the distortion/overdrive

fact is, both songs are interresting in composition, but you should spend more time in designing the instrument you're using- they sound like midi now - give them more effects but don't overdrive them or make them too loud cos the power doesn't come from there. good luck!

wow dude this is some powerful stuff, but as was said above the levels are way to hot, to much overdrive will kill a song fast, im not slamming you just trying to give you some constructive criticism is all, the arrangement of the song is great although this is not my genere but i have to say its crative to say the least, id try and retrack some of the harsher sounds and see if you can clean them up a bit. good effort though.
some interesting ideas you got in both the tunes. I dont care for the drums sounds, but some of the synth sounds are really nice. Some are really Arpish sounding. I think you may have both these a little too hot, but for a disco scene it may be jus the thing. Are you familiar with Fruity Loops. Some of the rythyms sounds and the beats sound familiar.
Hi guys,

thanks for listening.
Most of distorted parts were created to be as they are..

i use logic audio and a bunch of soft synths plus drum machine and a tb 303 alike..

