Milab VM-41?


New member
Has anyone heard/used Milabs VM-41 small capsule condenser mic? I'm shopping around for a mic that would behave well with an acoustic (western) guitar as well for overhead use and various acoustic instruments. I've thought about the Oktava MC-012 but the Milabs are about a decade old and hence cheaper... Price is an issue.
You must be talking about the Milab VM-44?

Go to for some information on Milab.

I have heard of them for many years; but I personally don't know anyone who has one; nor have I ever heard one. I know they
are reputable mics though. The VIP50 is their famous mic. And every once in a while, I find Milab mics in different studios'
equipment list all around the world.

I've tried to contact the company on several occations for the past two years for more information and have never received a
response. If you do a search for Milab under Yahoo or something, you'll find some places who sell Milab mics; you're more
likely get more information from them.
No, it's actually the VM-41. I've found out that it was discontinued in 1988 and that the VM-44 is very similar.

As for the company, I asked for an old spec. sheet for the VM-41 via email and it came in the email today, two days later. And this with a mic that they don't even manufacture anymore! Maybe it's because Milab is a swedish company and I live in Sweden...

Thanks for the reply.
Interesting... I tell you I learn great new things from this thing called the net.

Maybe I'll have to try and e-mail them one more time and see if I get a respose.

Thank You

Anyhow, I say go for it... If not, can I buy it?
I ordered two today, they were $100 a piece so there wasn't really much to fuss about...

I was told that the membranes were in perfect condition, is there anything else that can be a soundquality issue with a condenser mic that's a couple of years old?

Thanks again
The Milab microphones are top notch! Been using them for a long time, very detailed sound are the usual results. I would gladly trust the most critical recordings to the VM-41 or VM-44. Some old records produced by Martin Hennel at Studion One in Malmo still leave me quite breathless, especially the last studio album by Lolita Pop, "Blumenkraft." What great sounds! Lot of this record were Milabs. Leave it to Swedish engineering....mycket bra!