Miking guitar dist and compression??


New member
Newbie here with some questions.....

Do the pros typically mic or line in through a DI box with heavy guitar? I have heard that all delay effects should be added after the track is laid down to keep from killing the sound.

If i do mic, what volume level on the amp? EQ settings vs. live? What about best placement? I have used a Sound Blaster Live to mic an amp through a mixer (I know is not a recording card) but I get alot of highs in the sound. Not much depth or fullness. The non distortion sounds pretty good though. I have tried different positions with a little better luck but not much. I use cool edit pro and am a little confused how the compression settings work in that thing. I never seem to get what I am looking for.

If I use a compressor, to i put it before or after the pre.

thanks for lookin
You'll want to mic a cabinet to get the best tone. A parallel DI can be useful if you want to re-amp it later and try different things out. As far as settings, go by the sound your getting. Usually a fairly decent level is required for most guitar amps for the full tone to develop. Then you need to select a mic that will sound good and find a position relative to the cabinet that sounds good. I typically don't compress guitar going in; not sure you'll need to. You can always add compression later in your DAW if you want to. I don't think compression is necessarily going to help your tone if that's what you're trying to do. You'll want to have a fairly decent preamp though. If it's distorted guitar and you're not getting a sound you like, try backing off the gain.
for heavy guitar you want it loud drive tht amp to death and eq to taste a real recording card could help
what mic/mixer do you have?