The 408 didn't care about the dip switch settings since it wasn't a serial protocol item. The 408 remote simply hard wired into the transport/arming electronics.
The basics of the Midiizer with one machine are this...
With Midiizer and tsr8 power off, hook up the accessory 2 cable....initially one end to the accessory 2 connector on the tsr8 and the other end to the "master" connector on the Midiizer.
Then set dip switches (with power off) on back of Midiizer to ..
t/c... all up (smpte 30 ndf)
time base...all up (only applies for midi interface for old sequencers)
fm servo select...1-2 up...3 down...4 up...this is the 9.6k setting for Tascam
i/f select...all up (serial for all)
set dip switch on tsr8 (with power off) to 9600.
Now power everything up so communication can be established (in theory)
You don't have to stripe the tape if you're going to just use the Midiizer as a remote. However you DO have to stripe the tape if you are goiing to use the Midiizer's 10 point autolocator in songs.
If you plan to use the Midiizer's autolocator and remote...stripe the tape from the Midiizer using the master smpte rca out into track 8 of the tsr. That's done from the t/c key on the Midiizer. After completing the stripe..verify you have an rca hooked from tsr8 chnl 8 out into the Master time code in jack on the Midiizer (when you get the manual, there's some discussion of perhaps using the single machine in other modes...but this one works well to get you started). Rewind trs8, start playing the tape, switch the Midiizer right hand "remote" selector to "master" (the led comes on) and you should see the trs8's time code zoooming by on the Midiizer screen.
The left hand white buttons are for further choices regarding arming masters/salves. For initial reference for setup, push a couple of tsr8 track arm record buttons. You see the red leds on the tsr 8 and you should ALSO see the same channel number leds blinking on the Midiizer...if you don't see the Midiizer blink in the same way that leds blink on the tsr8 when you directly activate channels most likely don't have a proper connection via the grey accessory 2 cable (since this is where all these signals are travelling)...or you don't have something switched correctly on the Midiizer front panel....or you do not have all the dip switches set for serial and 9600 baud.
If all is correctly hooked up (and "master" selected as the remote choice on the right side Midiizer panel), you'll hit play or ff or rew etc on the Midiizer and the Tsr will move where you want it.
To further calibrate the Midiizer with the tsr8 (and I don't remember if this is even necessary with just one machine..but it can't hurt), verify the tsr8 shows "ext".... on the Midiizer, press "others", then select "setup" in the "others' row. Midiizer screen will prompt you to hit "enter" to continue...WAIT!!. Push Play on the tsr8 itself. NOW, push "enter" on the Midiizer. The Midiizer will take over the tsr8 may or may not make it do things (ff, rew etc). The setup routine is mostly for sync stuff. When the Midiizer is done, it's screen will say "setup end" or something. Press "esc" to leave setup.
Besides a good hookup, the key thing to remember is that the right hand 'master"- "slave" buttons have to be set for the correct you select "master" on the right, all transport commands are shooting out the silver "master" connector on the back of the Midiizer. If "slave" is selected, all the commands go out the silver slave connector on the Midiizer back. To keep things straight, notice how your accessory 2 cable is hooked up and where that 'remote" button is set on the's keep things less confusing.