MIDI vs Direct In?


New member
Right now I have a little M-Audio Audio buddy that is just a line-in to the mic port on my mac. I was wondering if a midi pre would be better when I upgrade soon. Or would getting an interface instead be better? Maybe this should be in the newbie category :b. I am kind of ignorant to all this stuff haha
What exactly are you trying to accomplish? There is no such thing as a midi preamp. If you are asking would you be better off with a external audio interface, then yes, you would. Onboard sound is far from being decent for any sort of recording duties
Are you asking if you should get an interface that also has a midi controller? That'd be handy if you want to do midi and you don't already have one. Otherwise I don't think any midi controller is any better than any other.

So, if you need one and don't have one, yes. If you don't need one, or you already have one, then no.