Midi Tracks not Synced


New member
I assume that this has been addressed before but I can't find the answer. I am running Cubase Sx with a Roland XP-30. I am sending midi from Cubase into my Roland hoping to get multiple tracks to play simutaneously. They sound almost synced at first but then after about 3 seconds one track is fast then the other. Is there a way to fix this?

My computer is only 750 Mhz but still... midi info is not a lot of binary data.. in fact, I think that it is on the order of or less amount of data that is sent across a 55.6 kB/s modem so why is it out of sync?

By the way, I only have two tracks.

PS - I have an M-audio Delta 44.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Sounds like you should post this in the Cubase forum.As you stated MIDI takes hardly any resources.
Are you using the XP-30 for MIDI input?
Not being familiar with Cubase,do you see the midi notes on screen and in sync?
Also what type of interface are you using for MIDI?
Sorry if this is in the wrong forum. To answer your question...
The Roland is set-up to receive midi notes from cubase.
The midi interface is the roland edirol um-1.
The midi notes are indeed on the screen and I placed them there manually.

Not sure why the two channels are not being transmitted simultaneously but if I don't figure it out, I will have to scrap the whole thing which would be unfortunate because I am quite proud of track 1.

If I'm not mistaken there is no sequencer in an XP30.

I use Sonar and it's as simple as play it and replay it.Not being faniliar with Cubases MIDI implementation that's why I suggested using the Cubase forum.
The XP30 does not have sequencing

In theory all the Cubase is doing is triggering MIDI notes - accordingly, any time sync problems must be in Cubase (I don't think the Delta or the processing abilities of the computer have anythin to do with this).

I suspect that when the individual performances were recorded into Cubase there is some problem with the clock setting.

I agree the answer may be in the Cubase forum (or calling Cubase tech support).
jumpmanjr said:
Not sure why the two channels are not being transmitted simultaneously but if I don't figure it out, I will have to scrap the whole thing which would be unfortunate because I am quite proud of track 1.

Why would you have to scrap the whole thing??? I mean, worst case scenario, you record the audio output of the XP-30 one at a time as audio tracks in cubase. As to the problem, check to see if there are any MIDI remote functions checked (not neccasary if you're not using one). And yes there can be heavy latency problems with MIDI (especially if you are using several tracks MIDI / audio too), and I have found that Cubase indeed does have more problems handling MIDI then most of the sequencers I have used over the years (Emagic Logic, being the best). If the XP-30 MIDI in and Out are both connected to Cubase, set the MIDI inputs for each track as Not Connected, you might be getting clock back to cubase through a feedback loop. Just some thoughts.
And yes there can be heavy latency problems with MIDI
If you're having latency problems with MIDI it's time to rethink how your doing things or what software your using.MIDI has been down pat for ages.

Not Connected, you might be getting clock back to cubase through a feedback loop. Just some thoughts
Yes,the midi thru setting can royally mess you up.It could be a basic setting in Cubase that's screwing things up.

I'm not to keen about recording the audio until your finished with your project,it defeats the purpose of having MIDI in the first place.
acidrock said:
If you're having latency problems with MIDI it's time to rethink how your doing things or what software your using.MIDI has been down pat for ages.
OK, latency was not what I was meaning, MIDI congestion is more what I meant. And yes MIDI has been down pat for years, and yet there are still hardware and software that have absolute piss-poor implementation of the MIDI standard, and how they handle that information.