Midi Sampling question


New member
Ok tell me if this should work. Seems like it should be fine.

I have a Yamaha Dtxpress Electronic drumkit. Im recording into Nuendo. Now If I play my kit and send it to Nuendo through midi Ill have it all on my computer in midi format. Now from there can't I use Battery and sample my own *wav files to get a nice sounding kit? Seems like it should work fine but havent read about anyone doing it with an electronic drumset. Am I wrong here?


That's the idea. You will end up with a single track with a bunch of midi notes on it. Each note is a specific drum. You will need to create a drum kit with the same mapping as your Yamaha drum kit and you should be good to go.
Sounds good. Thanks! NOw if I can find some good samples on the net. Especially some crashes and splashes. Any recommendations?
