midi recording ?


New member
I have a 44 key m-audio controller running threw a tascam us 122. The controller is connected to the tascam via midi and also a usb is connected from controller to computer. Now I am using sonar producer 4 and I want to use reason as a rewire device. Ive been having a hard time setting this up. Threw reason I have set the properties of midi in set to the tascam midi port, and in sonar I have the midi in devices set to usb. Am I right so far? How do I get the midi to a track that will let me record?
Rewire is simpler than you are apparently trying to make it. You don't to set up anything special other than a blank in both programs.

Launch Sonar first - it will be the ReWire master - then go up to the menu and select 'ReWire', then Reason. Reason will launch itself and autmatically be bussed to a stereo Sonar track.

When you want to work in Sonar, just click the 'Sonar' tab at the bottom of the screen. When you want to work in Reason, same thing...
I got that far. But I cant record the track thiers no option to. When I set up a midi track to input my controller and output to reason I get no sound.
Again, you are expecting ReWire to be more difficult that it is.

You don't record Reason in Sonar, you record Reason in Reason and ReWire busses the audio to Sonar and makes sure the two independent programs stay in sync with each other. It was made to be a simple, elegant solution to the problem of different music programs having different specialties and capabilities.

Go back and try it again. Once you get it working you will be amazed at how easy it is.
it works!! Thanks!

Thanks! I got it working that is really simple! I was thinking you recorded reason from sonar the whole time! :D

Much Appreciated!!!!!!!!!!
Is ReWire a program?
Not that you can record anything into.

It IS a program, but it's purpose is to act as a bridge between music programs of different (or the same) manufacturer. It syncronizes the clocks and pipes the music from the slave program to the host, and it was created to take advantage of the fact that all music programs have different focuses and capabilities.