midi problem

hockey punk

New member
I'm new to Cakewalk and you guys probably know the answer to this one .When playing back Cakewalk sample files (the demos that come with it )I will ocaisionaly get one midi note that doesn't stop even when the track is finished . I can stop it with the reset button ,but what is causing it ?, and more importantly , how can I get rid of it ?
My sound card is just a generic SB type , is that the culprit ?
Hi hp,

It sounds like you're having a problem with stuck notes. I've had that same problem with my sound card and the Cakewalk demo cards. So yes, most likely your sound card synth can't handle all the MIDI data being sent to it.


Scott R. Garrigus - Author of Cakewalk Power!, the first book to deal exclusively with the Cakewalk Pro Audio, Guitar Studio, and Home Studio software products. For more information, a free newsletter, and the chance to win free products, go to: http://www.garrigus.com/