MIDI problem


New member
Im trying to get my keyboard(Motif ES8) to be in sync with my computer(Cubase SX3), but every time i press play in Cubase, theres always a little bit of a deley till the keyboard starts.

I have a MOTU Microlite MIDI interface and i have the settings like this:

MIDI Sync -- Internal
Clockout -- On
SeqCtrl -- In/Out

Cubase SX3
Internal Timecode
MIDI Timecode destination Out -- Port 1
MIDI Clock destination Out -- Port 1
MMC Active
MMC Input and Outpu -- Not Active


MOTU Microlite
Keyboard OUT to MOTU IN 1
Keyboard In to MOTU OUT 1
MOTU to Computer by USB

I recorded both audio and MIDI at the same time and there was a 0.02 second delay with the audio signal and there was a 0.25 second deley from the MIDI signal.


Now im wondering if and how i can fix this. I'v tryed setting up the MTC but i cant seem to get it to work, can some one help me out?

I would consult the Cubase manual about compensating for and properly adjusting for latency as it sounds like this is the problem:)