Midi porblem with Roland XP-30


New member
Hi there,
I have a Roland XP-30 connected to a M-audio audiophile 24/96 via MIDI. I have been able to do MIDI in the past, but for some reason I get a strange response when I try to record MIDI. I am using SOnar 3 to record, and when I hit my first key I get a long infinitely sustained version of that note. It hits the note and holds it indefinitely. I have to hit the panic button in Sonar or turn off the keyboard for it to stop the note. When I try it again there is no response from the keyboard. I know I have the cables plugged in the right ports because backwards I get no response at all. I have to unplug and replug the cables to get it to repeat the same thing, otherewise I get no response. I am wondering whether I have something broken or set incorrectly. If I have something broken, is it my keyboard, soundcard or midi interface on the soundcard? Thanks for your time in advance. I know I probably left something out.

oh yeah

Oh yeah,
I gig with the keyboard and all other functions seem to work fine. I also hear the notes from the keyboard ofter MIDI stops responding. I always hear the keyboard, but I am running the audio through seperate monitors.

Thanks again
Do you have both the IN and OUT feeds connected?

If you are, you could be getting some kind of MIDI loopback. Sonar echo's everything back out that it recieves on a MIDI IN stream by default.
Ok new problem

So, I got that straight. The REMOTE setting has to be OFF on the keyboard. Now all I've got is to get the metronome working in sOnar. It will work if I shift the keyboard to RhYTHM mode. But not in Patch Mode. Anyone know this one? anyone anyone?

Yeah - what you're hearing as the metronome sound is coming out of the XP-30, not out of Sonar. To get the metronone in patch mode, assign a drum patch to channel 10, Roland's default drum channel.

ok, the rhythm control channel is 10 on the xp-30. are you saying to set up an additional Midi track in sonar with a drum patch? If I do this I still hear only what is actually assigned on the xp-30...

That's all you WILL hear. Unless you have a soft synth on a Sonar track, your only midi sound source is the XP-30. Midi carries no audio -- just (in the simplest form) what note, how long and how loud. It's up to you to put whatever synthesizer/sampler/drum machine on the receiving end as a sound source.

And I was trying to tell you to set up a patch inside the XP-30, not Sonar.

I need to be able to play a patch along with the metronome, which I can only hear when the keyboard is switched to the rhythm mode. When I switch to the rhythm mode all I can hear is drum sounds. I feel like this is a setting on the xp-30. I understand fully how MIDI works. I just don't understand how to make the xp-30 play a rhythm sound while in patch mode. Because I need both to sound at the same time. All of the settings in SOnar are correct. Sorry if I was unclear. My issue is with the xp-30 settings not the sonar settings.

I don't know XP-30, all I know is it's GM compatible, equiped with sequencer. You must enter sequencer mode (or something) to play 16 different tracks simultaneously. Each track will have their own midi channel. By default, Sonar will send metronome (MIDI) to channel 10. It will be routed by default to drum sound (hihat?). Using sequencer mode, you *can* hear 16 different instruments including metronome.


Thanks to everyone who weighed in on my situation. Let me tell how it was solved. For future xp-30 owners who are stuck...

The first problem of input locking down the system ha to do with the REMOTE setting in system>MIDI it needs to be off to properly send and recieve MIDI signals.

The second problem of no metronome had to do with the PATCH mode itself. Apparently the XP-30 is to designed to work with an external sequencer in its PERFORMANCE mode. Once in PERFORMANCE mode the system has to be set to the PR-A 12:Pop set 1 performance to work completely with an external sequencer. So now I can set my channel and patch from within SONAR and the display on the XP-30 doesn't change, but the patch and drum sounds can work together. So now I am IN BUSINESS.

Thanks everyone!!
Rock on !