midi my drums thru cakewalk


New member
anybody,s help would really be appreciated,I have an alesis sr16 drum machine I bought a midi cable to hook up to my ESS computer card,I am using cakewalk pro 9 and cannot get it happenin, perhaps a little more manual studying but I had enuff of cakewalk,s instructions so can somebody give me a hand? thanks
Yeah - it's a bitch - right??!

Since you didn't really narrow your problem down, I'll give you a overall tutorial.

1. Go to midi setup on the sr16. Make sure the midi channel on the sr16 is the same one you have chosen on the cakewalk midi source. Make sure you have selected the sr16 as the instrument for that midi channel also. Go to tools in CW and midi devices. Select the right midi in and out to connect to your sr16. Then, in tools/instruments, select the 16 for the midi channel and output you want.

2. Back in midi setup on the sr16, if you want the 16 slaved to CW - set drum in to off, drum out to on, clock in to on, and clock out to off. For some reason, I can't get Cakewalk to act as a Master so I had the 16 be the master and CW the slave. To do it that way, you set it up in reverse as above. (drum in on, drum out off, clock in off, clock out on.)

3. On CW tools, project options, go to midi out and click on the first two things listed and click off the third.

4. Make sure you have a midi in and out cable attached from your sound card or midi box to the sr16.

hope this helps you to get started. I know it can be frustrating!!!

thanks mutt unfortunately still a no go I heard something about the ess cards being a little sqirrely with a midi hook-up.I am about to upgrade my soundcard anyways let,s hope that does the trick, thanks again