Midi mapper transposes by itself??


New member
Here is a problem that rather baffles me. I have just realised that my midimapper (windows 98 second edition) is not playing the correct pitch as indicated by the midi notes. I thought at first it was a problem somewhere in quickscore elite which I was using, or my midi controller (Quick shot midicomposer) but lo and behold when I shut down the notation program and played a midi file through the standard windows media player it produced the same transposition error.

How is this possible?

Is there a file somewhere in the windows system that offsets the midi notes that may have somehow got altered?

This is proving a little difficult for me as I am trying to do a midi recording along side a wavefile to which I have music in the correct key and it looks like I have to mentally transpose in the reverse direction to hear the right notes come out of the midi mapper.

The choices my mapper gives me are Yamaha OPL2/OPL3 synthesis or Riptide wavetable synthesizer

At present the Yamaha drops the pitch a semitone (which isn't that hard to transpose) and the Riptide 4 semitones.

So perhaps the problems are in the sound card..

Any ideas out there?

Chris :confused:
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Post this question in the 'Computer Music' forum. I've heard of such a thing but I'm not sure how to advise you to proceed...