Midi Keyboard+ Rocktron Banshee


New member
Hi Guys,

Ive been trying to find some info on how to setup my Midi Keyboard, and my Talkbox.

Basically I have a M-Audio Keystudio 25 (USB) and the original Banshee.

Im recording through GarageBand and Im also using a Novation Nio Interface.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! I just need to know how to hook everything up or if im missing anything.

Thanks guys!!

A MIDI keyboard?
I'm not familiar with them but does it have a regular analog out like you would plug into an amp?
If it doesn't then it won't work with the Banshee. You can't use a MIDI signal to drive the Banshee or any USB signal.

If it does have a regular output then the keyboard goes into the Banshee ...... set a mic up for picking up the sound that you get out of the tube that goes in your mouth.
You'll HAVE to use a mic to pick up the Banshee ....... period. No way to do that direct.
I'm assuming you already know how to hook up a mic to your interface.
On the other side of things, I'm not quite sure how the Banshee works, but I can tell you a MIDI keyboard isn't compatible with analog gear unless you run it through a few things first. Basically a MIDI keyboard sends different commands for each key you hit. These commands are then interpereted by the computer and, depending on how you have the computer set up, some keys may trigger sounds. MIDI keyboard don't work on their own -- they always need to be plugged into a computer or a synth rack in order to make any sound. One way you could covert your MIDI signals to analog is to plug the MIDI keyboard into a USB port on your computer, open up GarageBand, select a software instrument you want to use, make sure the output from GarageBand is going to your interface, plug the main out from your interface into your analog gear, and play the MIDI keyboard.
Thanks guys

I'll have to muck around with it tomorrow. I have a condenser mic already so it was really just seeing if I could hook it all up with the keyboard.

Looks like I'll have to upgrade if not!

Thanks again!

Thanks guys

I'll have to muck around with it tomorrow. I have a condenser mic already so it was really just seeing if I could hook it all up with the keyboard.

Looks like I'll have to upgrade if not!

Thanks again!
well, as I said, you have to run an audio signal to the Banshee. I have one by the way.
The banshee is designed basically like a guitar stompbox. The guitar (an analog audio signal) goes into the Banshee and then the Banshee (essentially a small power amp) puts sound thru the tube which you put in your mouth and articulate the resulting sound.

If the MIDI keyboard is strictly MIDI then it will not drive the Banshee.
Maybe you can run the keyboard into the interface and then there may be an analog out from the interface that you could run to the Banshee. Of course, you'd still need the interface to also take the mic signal you'd get from micing the Banshee ...... so the interface would have to be able to handle two seperate signals or perhaps you'd need a second interface ..... I don't use them so i don't know but I do know thatmany interfaces handle mutiple channels.
But I do know the Banshee and it's designed to handle guitar level audio signals.