midi interpolate instead of compression


New member
i thought i'd posted this before, but i did a search and i hadn't.

for those of you that are using Cake with midi, don't forget to interpolate the velocity of the track before you transfer your midi into audio... that way you don't have to reach for the compressor for tracks that were recording in midi first.

i typically take the original 0 - 127 velocity range and squeeze it to 80 - 127. it leaves dynamic range while bringing the low notes up in a relative manner. if the track needs greater dynamic range i'll use 64 - 127. if it needs less, then i'll go 104 - 127.

also having the volume of the midi track "hot" and the velocity of the individual notes in the track "hot" makes it easier to record it "hot" to audio which is important even if relatively so in the digital domain.... after all, the more you have to reach for that maximizer when you are "mastering", the more distortion you're going to get.

this is where i am in my life right now. trying to figure out how to get that last bit of oomph out of the level of gear that i have. i can't afford to go to the next level monetarily so i've got to squeeze all the sound out of what i've got.
That was a well thought out informative post! Thanks for the tip I will keep that in mind the next time I do midi.