MIDI in Cakewalk


New member
So I just got my very first MIDI keyboard, and plugged it into my Audiophile. I played around with B4 a while (been waiting to do that!) and then went into Sonar Producer. All my MIDI inputs and outputs are set, and when I record it shows that I'm recording something, but I can't hear any MIDI in playback at all.

What stupid thing am I forgetting this time?!

Also, how do I use things like B4 with Cakewalk?
You can check whether you have recorded something by opening the Piano Roll View and seeing if any notes appear.

As for playback, you need to route the track to some type of synth in order to get playback. This can be a hardware or software synth.

I am not familiar with B4, but I imagine it is a software synth (either DXi or VSTi). You need to patch it onto an audio track, and then route your midi track's output to it. You can do this automatically using the synth rack (the icon with DXi on it).

Check your online help and search for Synth Rack for instructions. It's pretty straightforward.
dachay2tnr said:
You can check whether you have recorded something by opening the Piano Roll View and seeing if any notes appear.
You dont have to leave the main screen. Just look at the track, little lines will show up in real time. If they dont, nothing is recording.

When you load the B4, Sonar (by default in Sonar 3) will load the B4 track along with a midi track. It should be automatic. If not, open up the midi track you recorded on and pick a channel, pick an output etc.
McParadigm said:
It is recording, and it's routed through a MIDI device. I'm familiar with all that. But, still, nothin' doin'.

You need to make sure the MIDI Rx is on in your synth and set the MIDI Rx channel to the same as your output from Sonar.
c7sus said:
You need to make sure the MIDI Rx is on in your synth and set the MIDI Rx channel to the same as your output from Sonar.

I really have no idea what this means. I have literally never, in 9 years of using Cakewalk in one form or another, used any MIDI, ever. It's all greek to me...which is why I initially tried to post this in the Newbie section.

All I really know is that I can visually see that something is being recorded when I use the keyboard in a MIDI track, and that I can't choose B4 or much of anything as an output in the MIDI track (there are the drums that it comes with, but even with those selected I get no noise). However, on audio tracks I can select B4 from a "DXI Synth" list.

Also, I installed EZ Drummer on the same computer, but apparently that program doesn't stand alone? The only option in the folder is to uninstall it.

Man this stuff is making me feel like a moron!
The B4 IS an audio track. Yes, you should choose that in an audio track. THEN, you need to grab a midi track and route the output to the B4.

Start from the beginning, pull up a new project:

1. Insert dxi/vst synth B4

2. It should add a midi and audio track and be all ready. If not, load a midi track and make the output say B4.

3. Play. :D You record on the MIDI track, not the audio. :cool:

EZ drummer is not a standalone. To load it, go to insert/dxi synth and look under vst. Do you see ez drummer?

Then, view synth rack. Doubleclick on ezdrummer. It will show you a pic of drums and start loading, it takes 30 seconds.
Rx is the Receive MIDI channel for your keyboard controller.

Tx is the Transmit MIDI channel for your controller.

You can choose either individual channels (1-16) or Omni mode which will transmit/receive MIDI across all channels at once.