Midi eq??


New member
Is there a way to eq something that was recorded via midi such as drum sounds. I mean i know its possible in some way cuz i in demo songs i hear for drumkit from hell superior (which i just orderd) people have different drum sounds using the sam kit. So how do you eq i guess midi notes in cubase sx3?
DFH uses sampled .wav files. The midi just tells a sampler (eg Halion) what sample sound to play and effects are then applied to that wav file - not midi! Midi cannot have eq directly applied
I don't know if it's the same, but I am using BFD 1.5, which I think is similar to the DFH stuff. In BFD, it has a standalone mode (which is exactly the same when you use it as a plugin VST instrument), and in the screen where you make all your adjustments (drumkit selection, etc...) you can also jack with the mic placements and all that, and there are a couple of other parameters that you can adjust in the mixer within the VST inst. screen. That may be a way to really fine tune or change up the sound of the drums quite a bit. It may take a little bit of experimentation to really figure out how to tweak different things to affect how the drums sound, but that's almost half the fun!

Hope this helps, good luck! ;)
As stated above, you don't eq the MIDI itself, you eq the output channel(s) of the VSTi you're using, or, just bounce the tracks and eq to your heart's content.