MIDI Editing Question


New member
Not sure how to phrase this, hopefully my explanation works...

When I'm editing MIDI, usually SD2.0 grooves, sometimes I want to add another measure or section in between two existing sections. Right now I have to manually ctrl-click everything before or after the area I want to add to, to move it all around as one group or else I get gaps/overlaps when I add stuff.

Is there anyway to set an option to make the midi grooves "stiff"? Lol I have no idea what it would be called, but basically, if I move one section of midi that is touching another section, they would just move as one group...the one I have selected "pushing" the others instead of integrating/overlapping with them?

Ctrl-clicking isn't the most time consuming thing but it is a bit annoying.
You don't have to control and click for each midi segment. Use the mouse to click and drag to "lasso" all the pieces and move them left or right to create open space. I don't think there's any way to "insert" a midi segment and automatically bump the other midi segments.
To clear up that last post, lasso is right-click + drag.

You could try turning on "Ripple Editing" just for the track (click the ripple edit button once for selected track, twice for all tracks)

...I just tried it for you :)

Ripple editing only seems to push other items forward when you click "insert -> new midi item."

An alternative is to select all items on the track then right-click -> "glue selected items"
All of the midi items now become one larger item that you can move around. Then to edit things in, just press "S" to split the item where you want to record and move the new selected item out of the way. Now record in your empty space :)

I hope that helps somewhat.