Midi echo..............


New member
Hi should this be off/Auto or manuel ???

Not quite sure what it's used for all I know is that if I turn it off then I cannot control any module sounds ? from my mother keyboard
I think that echo is the same as thru in cubase - it allows you to plug a keyboard midi driver in and then "echo" it out to your other synths - I think that's what it is - someone correct me if I'm wrong - please
Hi John,

Yep, you're right. That's exactly what MIDI Echo in Cakewalk does. Also, in Auto mode, the MIDI Echo channel will be set automatically to the currently selected track. This makes it easy for recording multiple tracks one after the other without have to change settings every time.


Scott R. Garrigus - Author of the Cakewalk Power! book, and Publisher of the DigiFreq music technology newsletter.