midi configure settings for PC

  • Thread starter Thread starter gilgamesh777
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New member
I would really appreciate a response and some help on this one. I have a PC that I'm hooking my keyboard up to via MIDI (obviously) my problem is that I can't get the computer to play back sounds using the keyboard sounds. I can only get it to use the computers internal synthesizer (which sucks). I don't think I have it configured correctly. What steps do I need to take so that I can get up and running? Thank You!
You need an (interface) preferably a small one (MOTU microexpress) sound good for you
(4in x 6outs) you need this so that your
computer understands the keyboard, hence if you dont have it, your computer reads nothing
When you get the interface, it will come with disks PC/MAC to help you build your set-up
(being you only have the keyboard) it will be simple
Dont know your setup but this might help.
I have a mediavision midi interface to the sound card. (you have to have an interface if you plan on using the soundcard) The interface I have has 1/in 1/through /2/outs.
I have a kawai k11 snyth hooked up like this.

Left (A) 1/4 inch. out from my snyth goes to the input of my 1604 mixer on input 9
Right (b) 1/4 inch out from my snyth goes to the input of my mixer on input 10.
Midi out from snyth goes to my in
midi in from my snyth goes to my through
midi out to midi in on my vs880
midi in to midi out on my vs880

I can change the patch in my software to anything i want to blend with what I have set on my snyth. In other words I can have a piano on my synth and the harmonica on my software and can set the amount of each I want to play either by the software or by my synth. Then use the volume,eq, etc on my mixer.

I dont know if all snyths have an a and b out
on them. These are your 1/4 in. cable type.

Again I dont know your setup but if your soundcard sucks you may want to go direct.
But if you want midi you may have to use your midi-mapper to bypass your soundcard. Im no expert at that. Your software documentation should show how to map it but there might be someone here who could give you a step by step way to do it. Also if your recorder is set up for midi it seems you could bypass the
computer altogether if you wanted to go that route.
Just my 2cents


[This message has been edited by duck (edited 02-18-2000).]