Mid/Side Recording Acoustic guitar...Which Mics To Use?


New member
I have the following mics: Shure KSM-44 large diaphram condenser, Royer R-122 active ribbon, AT-4041 small diaphram condenser, Sennheiser e906 dynamic, Shure SM-57. I have UA-Solo 610 and UA-LA610 tube mic preamps. I'm using ProtoolsLE into a Digi 002R.

Which mics should I use and in what positions? Should I go with mid/side recording or a different technique? Should I record mandolin and banjo the same way? Thank you so much!!

I would use the first two on your list....foget the rest.

The 122 will be your Side mic and the 44 your Mid....mind you, you'll need to set up a M/S matrix to code/decode the Mid/Side signals (DAWs usually make that easy).

Not sure you really need to use a lot of M/S for individual recording of things like mandolin and banjo...but there are no rules. Most times, M/S is good for when you want a true/wide stereo image of something. I typically use an M/S pair as my drum kit OH mics so I can have a nice stereo kit. Do you want a stereo mandolin...banjo....etc...etc....?

Of course, with a M/S matrix, you will have the option of controlling/adjusting the width of that stereo field, so if you do use if on things like mandolin, you will still be able to tighten or widen its image to taste during your mix.
I generally just leave the M/S drum kit tracks at their "default" stereo image...full L/R. It kinda places you almost inside the drum kit.