Mics & Pre Amp Suggestions


New member
two quick questions...

1. i read an earlier post on "condenser" microphones and it appeared that some people said that any sound source (even if it exceeds the max SPL on the given mic) cannot damage the mic or it's capsule. is that accurate???

2. i've been looking at purchasing a range of microphones for recording acoustic guitars (AT models, M-Audio, Royer, AKG, etc) and was wondering at what point do i, or will i, need to purchase a decent pre amp?

i read a post where someone stated that some mics "require" a preamp to sound good. is that also an accurate statement? i didn't know some mics "need" a pre amp in order to sound better. i know the pre amp will boost the overall level, but if im buying a AT 4047 tube mic, you would think that would already sound good on its own???
two quick questions...

1. i read an earlier post on "condenser" microphones and it appeared that some people said that any sound source (even if it exceeds the max SPL on the given mic) cannot damage the mic or it's capsule. is that accurate???

2. i've been looking at purchasing a range of microphones for recording acoustic guitars (AT models, M-Audio, Royer, AKG, etc) and was wondering at what point do i, or will i, need to purchase a decent pre amp?

i read a post where someone stated that some mics "require" a preamp to sound good. is that also an accurate statement? i didn't know some mics "need" a pre amp in order to sound better. i know the pre amp will boost the overall level, but if im buying a AT 4047 tube mic, you would think that would already sound good on its own???

1) I don't know. That likely refers to the level at which the mic clips, but I still tend to be careful.

2) Right away. If you're serious enough to lay out real $$ for mics, you should be for preamps as well (see below).

3) First, mics require a preamp. Even if you're just plugging into a mixer, or a sound card--there's some sort of pre there. A mic has to be "boosted" to a leved at which it's signal can be recorded. Enter a preamp.

Some are clean & transparent, some add warmth, some add some color--and some muck up the sound. There's a lot on this board about pre's & mics, so welcome. Dig around and read til your head hurts. But start knowing this--a good investment in mics warrants a good investment in preamps as well.