Mics and Comps for sale...


New member
I need to generate some capital for another purpose so only a couple of these items will sell.....


Blue Blueberry with storage box, shockmount and pop filter - $700

Blue Mouse with storage box and shockmount and Kiwi mic cable, almost mint (only had about 4 hours on it) - $900

Red Type B with or without R7 capsule (modeled after U47) with storage boxes and shockmount - $400 without the capsule, $600 for the R7 capsule,$950 for the capsule and microphone body - Demo model

Red R12 large diaphragm replacement capsule for Oktava mk012 - $175


2 x DBX 165a compressors - $600 each or $1100 for a pair with the stereo strap
Spectrasonics 610 from the original 610 run - $950
2 x Urei silverface LA 4's - $800 each or $1500 for the pair
Emperical Labs EL8x Distressor with stereo link and brit mod - $1250

Crown DC300A series 2 studio amplifier - $300

All prices are before shipping from 84335