mics and compressor


New member
Does anyone have any experience/advice/criticism about the Bluemax Smart Compressor/Limiter and the AKG C 1000 S mic?

I'm thinking about getting these devices for recording flamenco/classical guitar.

The mic into the compressor, the compressor into a BOSS BR-8 digital recorder. Then mixed on computer with SONAR.

Any suggestions/advice about this setup?

thanks guys/gals,

One thought is that you may want to record your tracks without the compressor--then, if the tracks need compression, you can use a compressor plugin on your computer. It gives you more options/flexibility; you can change the compression if you don't like it, or even decide to not use it at all. If you track with the compressor, you won't be able to change/adjust/remove the compression without re-recording the track. A compressed track can sound great on its own, and then sound not-so-great in the final mix.

That being said, some folks do track with compression.
esactun, thanks for the advice and suggestions!

Now, what is a "compressor plugin" that I can use on my computer? How does it hook up to a computer, or is it inside a computer already?

I'm telling you, I don't know much of this stuff!!


Plug-ins are programs which run inside of programs.

If you are using Multitrack or editing software a plugin can be "placed" in a channel insert or an auxillary bus to give the effect.

An analogy in the "outboard gear" world would be if you had a mixer and wanted to compress the signal - you would plug the outboard compressor into a channel insert or buss insert to compress the signal before it is sent to the main bus (output).

It's just done in the program instead.

Does this help??

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I tried the C1000 on my voice and didn't care for it either. Not sure what it would be like on an acoustic...