Microphones for this setup?


New member
hey, I am new to the board and it looks sweet so far!! I have picked up allot of usefull information.

I was wondering what you guys would recommend for my setup. I have a Tascam 788 digital recorder, and record heavy and clean electric (stratocaster through an RP 300, through a yamaha amp). I also record acoustic, and vocals. (Basically a like the Smashing Pumpkins, alt. rock sound) I dont really need anyhting for drums or bass, as i have a drum machine and use DI for the bass.... So far I have been doing everything with my Shure SM 58.... O ya I also record everything seperate..

After looking at the site and talking to a few people at the Long and McQuade and Guitar center, they all insist I need a Condenser mic for more of a "studio" sound. The guy at the L and M said that the Apex 460 was great for doing everything, but it seems people here give it bad reviews and say it needs to be worked on, but I dont have any skills for that stuff.

If you guys have any suggestions as to which mic or mics would be good for these instruments. Also would it be worth it to get a mixer instead of just a phantom power supply? Does it really add anything to the sound?

My price range is about $100 - $300.

Phantom Power supplies (as in a unit does that and nothing more) only exist for use with a preamp that does not supply phantom power (I don't know any but they exist).

You need a preamp, because any mic signal needs to be boosted before it can be recorded. Your tascam probably has build in preamps (yes, really!).

Basicly, vocals, electrical clean, electrical distorted and acoustical guitar are 4 very different things (ok clean and distorted guitar are somewhat the same mic-wise). I can recommend you a mic for any of these in the 100-300 range, but not all. You could get away with a large condensor for vocals + acoustical, but small condensors seem to be favoured for acoustical really. Clean electrical either a good dynamic or a ribbon. Distorted, same thing.

BUT, since buying 4 mics' probably not gonna happen, I suggest an SM57 for the electrical guitar (try to trade the SM58 for one), and spend 100 bucks on a large diaphram condensor, like the Studio Projects B1 or one of the cheaper Studio Projects mics.

Note that you will WITHOUT QUESTION need a stand alone preamp because:
1) The tascam does not have XLR inputs.
2) The tascam does not have phantom power.
3) The tascam probably doesn't have enough gain (and even if it does, the build-in preamps will highly degrade your sound).
Get the M-Audio DMP3. Basicly no real debate around here about that one. Outbang-for-the-bucks any other preamp in that pricerange (150-200). Together with the mic, you should be at 250-300 dollars. If that's too much, get the cheapest preamp you can find that's not made by behringer (if only for beeing able to say you have a behringer-free signal path).

Hope that helps!
Not only condensor mics are good. Dynamics are just as good, just different. Think of it like spoons and forks. Spoons work great for soup, but don't try to eat beef with one.

Yes, the cheap behri mixers will work, but your getting to the far low end of the quality spectrum here. Like, if the SM57 is the spoon, the behringer is the dirty, rusty old pan you cook the soup in. You still need it, but I for on would pass on the soup all together (that's just me though ;) you get my point right?)