"microbe" mp3

nice job, but I thought the panning left/right was too severe from the beginning until the rhythm guitar work kicks in steadily... that superfast lead mixed right in the middle kicked ass...it was the perfect place in the mix...all the pans afterwards worked great too...gibs
This is THE best song I have ever heard posted on HomeRecording.com. I am not being sarcastic. For a while I had an idea to start off a song with about 32 measures of just one chord. Looks like you beat me to the chase. I swear, this is the kind of song that I'm going to burn so I can listen to it in my car.

I'm not afraid to admit that it's better that any of the artsy shit I have made so far.

The only thing missing from this song is lyrics. I think you should write whatever comes to your mind and just start belting it over and over again until you find a tune you like. Vocals would make this song deadly.
Thanx alot guys!!Your'e way too kind.
I know what you mean about the stereo thing gibbs,I was trying to achieve an effect with it but it didn't work as I had hoped.
I have thought of putting vocals into these tunes Junky Joel,but it gets to be overwhelming trying to write and record everything by myself.My schtick has become instrumental metal.I may give it a try though.Thanx for listening.I love this forum.