micro monitor recommendations?


New member
Is anyone using "micro" monitors like the little Edirols or Rolands and the like?
I have long periods at work where I just sit and monitor the TV station and am planning on setting up a DAW at my desk just to do demos of songs I have been writing. Not planning on cutting the next DSOTM, just some basic demo work.

I need to keep everything small and compact to keep the boss happy,so I need something that wouldn't be too much bigger than a set of pc speakers.
I'm not expecting they would sound like a full blown set of nearfields, just better than average pc speakers.


I'll have to check them out, they look like they would be just right. And I get a radio too! :D
Everyone will tell you that the Edirol micro monitors suck, and they're right to a certain extent, but they're really not that bad. I've had a pair for a while now and I've pretty much learned to mix with them. They're not as good as "real" monitors, but they are waaaaaay better than any PC speakers out there.