micing my amp....but in what room?


New member
Hi guys.
Im micing my guitar amp and I need to to sound the cleanest it can .
so what room shout I put it in.....the hall,bathroom,closet,or a biger room like the living room?
you guys are the best
if you want some natural reverb, then go for the bathroom or stairwell, but if you want it real dry, then go for the closet. but keep it away form your computer and 60 hz lights :)
if by clean you mean no added sound from the enviornment, youd want to be micing the cabinet in a quiet area.

i used to put my two speaker cabinets in a V against the wall (the wall was covered in foam BTW) and put one mic on each cabinet.

that seemed to get just the sound coming from the speakers and not the speakers and the room etc. :)