Micing a sax with this mics....


New member
What would be a good technique of micing a sax with these mics and recorder in my home studio.

Yamaha AW16G recorder...

Oktava MC12 (I have two)
Shure 57
Shure 58
Shure 58 Betas

Looking for ideas with mic selection, placements, patterns, distance from performer, etc.

I've done some searching of the archives here, not really finding what I'm looking for. Thanks for your time.

My standard mic arrangement for sax (I play tenor and alto):

A dynamic mic about a foot up and out from the bell.
(I use an MD421 or RE20, but lots of old albums were made with 57/58s)
A large-diameter condensor about 5-6ft out and head height.
Mix the two mics until sweet.

Much of the sound of the sax comes from the entire body of the instrument, not just the bell. If key clacks from the right side of the horn are a problem, shift the mics a bit left until minimized. You'll still have to do some experimentation until you hit the sweet spots with each player.

Good luck!