micing a metal shed


Noise Criminal
Here's the deal. In my yard is a metal shed and one day I was cleaning it out when it began to rain. After a few minutes I became aware of some interesting rhythms produced by the rain drops on the metal roof combined with the louder hits of water coming off the tree branches above.

What I want to do is record this. The sounds themselves are interesting and I have plans for them but I also was thinking of feeding the recordings into one of those drum replacement type programs to transfer the rhythms to actual drum samples.

So which mic for this?

Not sure if any of the ones I own would be good for this.
I have..
Sennheiser 441U
GB ACM-4 Ribbon
Oktava MK-20
Audix i5
AKG D890

I really can't see any of these doing the job. Maybe something like a CAD 179 in Omni?


I forgot I have an EV RE-27ND on it's way now too...
I recorded the rain on my front porch using an AKG C141B-ULS (I was lucky enough to find a cheap one in a pawn shop) in omni mode, and it came out really well -- nice definition on the nearby drops and good misty background with the further away drops, so maybe yeah on the CAD 179, in that it would be LDC omni (I don't have that one, though).

I would at least try the ACM4 on its side (front or back pointing at the ceiling), about halfway between the floor and ceiling.
PZM attached to the ceiling.

This is a very interesting idea.... Who makes these?

ACM-4 could be interesting - I think I will give that a shot out of curiousity :rolleyes:

What about the Behringer ECM8000?
I heard it's noisy but in this application I'm sure environmental noise will swamp any self-noise.
Yuck nevermind the berry. I just got done listening to samples of the berry comparing them with Naiant MSH something-or-other.

Naiant may be an interesting one to try. MsHillarious which of the Naiant models would be best for me?